- Ph.D in Information Science, University of Michigan School of Information (2022 - present)
- B.S. in Applied Mathematics & B.A. in Physics, Brown University (2018 - 2022)
- Graduate Student Instructor (2024 - present)
- University of Michigan School of Information
- Graduate Student Research Assistant (2022 - present)
- Data Science Graduate Intern (2024)
- US Government Accountability Office, Innovation Lab
- Undergraduate Research Assistant (2021 - 2022)
In review
- Sidney Xiang. “Isola bifurcation structures of dynamical systems on random graphs”. Undergraduate thesis, Brown University, 2022.
- International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2). July 2024. “Evaluating interdisciplinary research: Disparate outcomes for topic and knowledge-base interdisciplinarity”.
- International Conference on the Science of Science and Innovation (ICSSI). July 2024. “Evaluating interdisciplinary research: Disparate outcomes for topic and knowledge-base interdisciplinarity”. Runner-up for best student paper.
- TOM PhD Summer School in Computational Organization Science. August 2023. “Postmortem promotion’s effect on innovation diffusion: A network approach”. Presented with Honglin Bao, Hong Chen, Joseph Nixon, Matthias Qian, and Rui Sun.
- ISSI Workshop on Team Science and Innovation. July 2023. “Evaluation of interdisciplinary research in scientific publishing”.
- Brown University Division of Applied Mathematics Senior Thesis Day. April 2022. “Isola bifurcation structures of dynamical systems on random graphs”.
- Ivy League Bands Conference. April 2021. Organized and moderated as President of the Brown University Band.
- Graduate Student Instructor - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Brown University
- Co-organizer of the UMSI Computational Social Science Lunchtime Working Group (August 2023 - present)
- President of the Brown University Band (November 2020 - November 2021)